Pupil Voice
At Whickham we realise that pupils have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and our school community and we encourage them to help shape their own learning experience.
Pupil voice involves pupils actively participating in our school community to contribute to the decision making processes collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas.
Pupil Voice structure
On an annual basis, all Whickham School pupils are invited to apply for the role as year group representatives on our school Student Council. Following a successful application and interview process, two representatives are elected from each year group and they are tasked with representing the views of their year group at half termly Student Council meetings. Student Council meetings are led by Mrs Hall and agendas are driven by whole school and pupil-led priorities. Student Council members work closely with the Student Leadership Team (see below) to make sure priorities align.
Pupil Voice is also actively encouraged during tutor time activities. On a weekly basis pupils in Y7-10 are encouraged to debate a range of topics in circle time to discuss viewpoints on a wide range of key topics and issues as they emerge throughout the year.
“I really enjoy circle time as it allows me to express my views. If these views can help improve the school then they are discussed by our tutor rep through pupil voice.” (Year 8 boy)
For more information visit our Student Leadership Team page
Safeguarding mentors
Pupils often benefit from the support of their peers. Our Safeguarding mentors offer a friendly face and advice for the specific challenges that younger pupils may encounter. They have been nominated by their tutor group and are trained in supporting pupils and informing pastoral staff when there are concerns.
Our SGMs are also used to support transition activities to help our new Year 7s in their move to Whickham School.