Sixth Form Code of Dress
Sixth Form students are role models for students in lower school, and their standards of dress are an important part of the culture of Whickham. Sixth Form students are required to dress in a manner that would be acceptable within a professional workplace. The code of dress below reflects this. This code of dress was reviewed July 2024. The review included both staff and student voice. The Code of Dress below is for the gender with which you identify.

Additional guidance
- The Sixth Form lanyard must be worn by students in Years 12 and 13 at ll times while on the school site. These lanyards are issued to new students in Year 12 as soon as possible at the start of the year.
- Students are allowed a single facial piercing and 2 earrings per ear. Students should not come to school with elaborate makeup, hair adornments, unnatural hair colours or extreme hairstyles.
- Hoodies, crop tops and casual footwear e.g. plimsolls and trainers are not permitted.
- Tatoos (over 18’s) must be discreet and inoffensive.
Students completing practical courses:
- All students are required to come in Code of Dress but can change into specialist clothing for lessons using school changing facilities.
- Sweat style joggers are not permitted. Students must wear suitable trainers for sporting lessons, not ‘pump’ style shoes.
Full details can be found in the Sixth Form Code of Dress Policy
If you are in doubt about an item of clothing please seek clarification from your Head of Year.