Religious Studies Curriculum

We aim to nurture open minded pupils, who have a deep understanding of how worldviews and religions shape the world around us. 

What skills and knowledge will pupils develop?

The skills and knowledge required for meaningful learning of RE will be interwoven through all aspects of lessons from KS3 to KS4. Each section of the curriculum features enquiry questions which help to form assessments. The fundamental learning of each unit focuses on knowledge and understanding of beliefs and teachings, leading on to a deeper study of the impact of these beliefs. Pupils will reflect on the meaning behind celebrations and rituals within religions, as well as the impact these beliefs have on a religious person’s social and moral practices and ways of life. As pupils move deeper into their learning they will begin to reflect on their personal knowledge and place in relation to these deep questions. They will reflect on questions of meaning and purpose, as well as challenges facing religious believers in the modern day. Pupils will form a clear understanding of the three disciplines we have chosen to study within RE (Theology, Philosophy and Social sciences) and the different methods employed by each to answer questions surrounding religion and worldviews. 

Access for all pupils

All pupils will be able to access the learning within Religious Education and thrive. Lessons will be scaffolded to ensure this. Where there are specific learning needs, lessons and materials will be adapted accordingly. 


Religious Studies Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview

Religious Studies teaching takes the following forms:

Click below to access the relevant documents:


Right of withdrawal

RE is for all pupils and every pupil is legally entitled to Religious Education as part of a
‘broad and balanced’ curriculum. RE must be provided for all registered pupils in state funded schools in England (this includes sixth form pupils unless they are withdrawn by their parents or have withdrawn themselves once reaching 18 years of age or older). Parents who withdraw their child have the legal responsibility to deliver RE to their child.

Our RS curriculum is inclusive and we would encourage all parents to contact Mr Wheatley to discuss the curriculum before deciding whether to withdraw their child from all, or some, of RE. A child who is withdrawn from RE will be supervised in our achievement room, and needs to ensure that they have suitable work or reading to complete.

Parents should note that the right of withdrawal does not cover other subjects and therefore there is no right to withdraw a pupil from other subjects (e.g. History when covering how religion has impacted history).

If you wish to withdraw your child please contact your child’s Pastoral Leader.