Welcome to Whickham Sixth Form


Making the right decision about pathway choices beyond age 16 can be a real challenge. Ensuring all students make the right choice for them is essential, as it allows them to become fulfilled and successful young adults.

Whickham Sixth Form is a very supportive environment that caters for the needs of all learners,  through the curriculum offered, the pastoral care available and the diverse range of enrichment opportunities we provide. 

The breadth of our curriculum offered at Whickham is something we are very proud of, as it enables us to support students in selecting the right subject combinations for them. We offer a wide range of academic A-Level courses and vocational BTEC courses. Expectations are high and there is a belief that all students can succeed. 

Supporting students as they transition into adulthood underpins our Sixth Form offer. Personal development thrives in many ways, for example through our tutorial and assembly programme, work experience opportunities and debating, drama and sports clubs. One of our continued strengths is the student leadership opportunities we strongly encourage students to engage with. This centres around our annual Charity Week, but there are extensive opportunities to be involved in other ways, including the Sixth Form leadership team, supporting school and community events, and taking on mentoring roles with younger pupils in the school. 

Sixth Form will be one of the most enjoyable and important times of your life. With great effort and application comes great rewards. Success in Whickham Sixth Form will pave the way for the next chapter in your life and take you a step closer to your chosen career path.  

We look forward to welcoming you to Whickham Sixth Form!

Miss L Gainford
Head of Sixth Form