Expectations of Parents

We believe a collaborative partnership between home and school is key to the success of your child’s education.Ā  There are many ways in which you can support with this – our Home School Agreement details what you can expect from us, what we expect of our pupils and also ways in which you can help your child be the best they can be:

  • Avoid taking holidays in school time. (Holidays taken in term time will be deemed as unauthorised absence and may incur a fine).
  • Ensure good attendance, punctuality and correct uniform is worn at all times
  • Inform the school on every day of absence
  • Ensure the correct equipment and kit is brought to school each day
  • Encourage the completion of homework and provide other opportunities for learning at home.Ā  For more information about how you can support your child please visit our Homework page
  • Keep the school informed about any problems which might affect learning
  • Attend parentā€™s meetings
  • Support the schoolā€™s rewards and sanction policy
  • Accept responsibility for the behaviour of my child including traveling to and from school
  • Encourage a positive attitude towards school
  • Work in partnership with school to support my child



In order to keep children safe and provide appropriate care for them, the school requires parents to provide accurate and up to date information regarding:

  • Full names and contact details of all adults with whom the child normally lives
  • Full names and contact details of all persons with parental responsibility (if different from above)
  • Emergency contact details (if different from above); wherever possible school will hold more than one emergency contact for each child
  • Full details of any other adult authorised by the parent to collect the child from school (if different from the above)

For further Safeguarding information visit or Safeguarding Page or see our Safeguarding guideĀ 



We have developed a culture where pupils feel safe to report any instances of bullying behaviour whether they feel they are the victim or have witnessed it happening to another.Ā  Reporting bullying is essential ā€“ please be assured as Parents and Carers that we will support you and your child fully.Ā  If you think your child is being bullied:

  • Please contact the school immediately and speak to the relevantĀ Pastoral Leader
  • Ask your child directly if they are being bullied
  • Take bullying seriously
  • Please do not agree to keep bullying secret

Further information on our Bullying Page and on the Safeguarding Mentors Page