Vision & Values
At Whickham School, we value all of our pupils and ensure that they are seen as individuals with differing interests, knowledge, skills and needs. We have an inclusive ethos and strive to increase the learning and participation of all pupils, ensuring access to an appropriate curriculum.
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) is seen as a whole-school issue, hence the responsibility of everyone. Every teacher is a teacher of every young person, including those with SEND or any other additional need. We work closely with our children, families and a wide range of professionals to ensure the best possible educational outcomes.
Identifying Special Educational Needs
As a school, we identify the needs of pupils by considering the holistic needs of the child, not just the special educational needs.
TheĀ SEND Code of PracticeĀ (DfE 2014)Ā describes four main categories of need. These are:
- Communication and InteractionĀ (e.g. speech / language delay, HI, features of ASD);
- Cognition and LearningĀ (e.g. moderate, severe, profound or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia)
- Social, Mental and Emotional HealthĀ (e.g. children who may be withdrawn or isolated, disruptive or disturbing, hyperactive of lacking concentration)
- Sensory and / or Physical NeedsĀ (e.g. sensory, multisensory and physical difficulties)
Enhanced Provision for students with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
Whickham School has a specialist, additionally resourced mainstream provision for children with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) known as ARMS. Autistic pupils with EHCPs, as well as those with pending diagnoses can access this specialist provision. Placement is through the SEND Placement Panel via the Local Authority. In line with our inclusive ethos, support is usually in mainstream lessons but some small group work is carried out with these pupils. A specially designated suite of rooms in the Gibside site has been furnished and set up as a supervised place where ASD students can come before school, at breaks and lunchtimes. Pupils may also access these rooms at other times during the day as necessary. Joanne Wilson is our Senior Teaching Assistant with ASD specialism and will be the first point of contact for pupils, parents and staff who have specific queries related to ASD students.
Co-ordination of provision for students with SEND
Provision for pupils with SEND is coordinated by the SENDCo in conjunction with Faculty and Pastoral leaders. Pupils are supported by a team of specialist teaching assistants.Ā Strategic oversight comes from a Deupty Headteacher and the Board of Trustees monitors the effectiveness of SEND provision. The link trustee for 2023-24 is Vicki Mcleod. Trustees are aware of the Code of Practice and the arrangements in school for responding to this.

SEND Policy & SEND Information Report
For more detailed information about SEND provision, procedures and policies at Whickham School, please follow the following links: