Diverse and Engaging Opportunities

A high proportion of pupils choose to take part in the rich extra-curricular opportunities provided by the school. In addition to our extensive extra-curricular sports programme, our pupils can express and develop their talents in a wide variety of ways, including: dance, drama, music, art, textiles, media studies, public speaking, reading clubs, creative writing and in a host of other ways. We provide a wide and ever-increasing range of lunchtime and after-school clubs, including: Philosophy and Ethics, Rainbow Society, Robotics, Boxing, Chess and Science and often host guest authors in the library to complement our Accelerated Reader programme. From September 2022 students will have the opportunity to work with NE Youth in workshops on Internet Citizens, Life Skills and Financial Management.
Lunchtime Clubs 2024-25
Afterschool Clubs 2024-25
For the Timetable of Sporting clubs please see the PE and School Sports Page
The Arts

- pupils have the opportunity to join a weekly drama and music clubs, where they can work with upper school pupils in developing their performance skills and take part in the annual school production as cast or crew.
- The school band is made up of woodwind, brass and percussion players, they, along with the rock band and school choir, perform classical and popular music to local audiences at school and in the community.
- Dance pupils have the opportunity to work with professionals from external organisations, then plan, rehearse and perform their own dance evenings.
- Our prestigious annual art exhibition of student work and arranges a series of visits to local and national galleries, as well as inviting artists to visit Whickham and work with pupils.
The Whickham Way
Many of our pupils write for and help to edit our half-termly school magazine – The Whickham Way – a fantastic way to showcase all the wonderful things we do at Whickham whilst honing their journalistic writing or photography skills.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Whickham School runs the acclaimed Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme at all three levels. This is open to pupils from years 9 to 13. As part of the rigorous programme they complete an expedition, carry out volunteering and for the Gold award, organise and participate in a residential trip.
International Visits
The school participates in a host of international visits each year. Pupils have visited Poland, Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Switzerland, Andorra, Tanzania, Uganda, Mexico, Morrocco and the USA. Pupils also have the opportunity to take part in the 3-4 week World Challenge expeditions