The Library

The Library is run by Mrs Lawrence. It is a calm, welcoming, inclusive, multi-functional space with hundreds of fiction and non-fiction books available. Pupils can utilise the space throughout the school day during breaks and lunch to read, relax and engage in quiet mindful activities. The Library also hosts some fantastic lunch time and after-school clubs and activities.
Reading for Pleasure
The fundamental purpose of the Library is to encourage reading for pleasure, and we fully believe that progress in reading is the key to academic success. We believe that the Library makes a real difference to pupils’ social, emotional and mental health. Pupils who access the Library become more resilient and achieve more.
Accelerated Reader Programme
During lesson times the Library is a classroom for the Accelerated Reader programme where pupils spend time reading and engaging with a fantastic book of their choice, linked to their reading ability. Pupils also complete quizzes on the book they have just finished, and are rewarded with the knowledge that they have fully engaged with and understood the content they have read.
A safe space that promotes emotional wellbeing
Our School Library provides a safe, relaxing space where pupils can seek emotional support. Miss Caithness is a trained Mental Health First-Aider and our Mental Health Support Officers are also based there during the school day.
Lunch Times

Every Lunchtime the Library hosts a space for those wanting to briefly escape the chaos of the school day, this space is called the Recharge Room. It is a space dedicated to mindful hobbies like reading, colouring, small puzzles, or knitting etc. Ideal space for those seeking quiet, rest and mindfulness.
Other Lunchtime Activities
Bear Making Club – Tuesday
Mrs Lawrence
Knitting & Crochet Club – Wednesday
Mrs Lawrence & Ms Hanks
After School
The Library is open every evening for reading, study or homework and also hosts a range of fantastic after-school clubs:
Warhammer Club – Week 1 Tuesday 3.20pm – 4.20pm
Supervised by Mrs Lawrence
Chess Club – Wednesday 3.20pm – 4.20pm
Pupil run – Supervised by Mrs Lawrence
Dungeons and Dragons Club – Thursday 3.20pm – 4.20pm
Pupil run – Supervised by Mrs Lawrence