The School Day


  • Pupils should arrive promptly for tutor time and all lessons.
  • Pupils need to be in their designated tutor room by the first registration bell ready for registration.
  • If a pupil arrives late and misses tutorial they should go to reception to register before going to their normal timetabled lesson


In order to facilitate movement around our larger school site and to allow the effective use of the buildings at Gibside the timings for the school day have been adjusted in order to facilitate movement time between lessons:

9.05Period 1
10.10Period 2
11.30Period 3
13.10Period 4
14.15Period 5
15.15End of the school day

Please note that pupils will continue to finish at 14.10 on alternate Tuesdays.



Punctuality is an essential life skill which transfers into adulthood. We expect our pupils to be in school on time, every day.

The first bell rings at 08:35. It is expected that all pupils are inside the school gates before 08:35. Arriving late results in lost learning.

Pupils arriving late to school without good reason will receive a same day breaktime detention. Failure to attend will result in a 60 minute detention after school. Pupils are reminded that they should be in school by 8.35am each morning. If punctuality continues to be a problem, persistent lateness can lead to unauthorised marks which will contribute to legal intervention. Please see our Attendance page for more information



The school car park is for staff and visitors. Unfortunately we are unable to facilitate general parking. When picking up or dropping off pupils please park sensibly in the areas around school and with consideration for our neighbours, residents and other road users.

May we remind you that in the interests of safety, parking on the double yellow lines on Burnthouse lane is dangerous and can obstruct pedestrians and impair their vision when crossing the road.

We encourage, where possible, pupils to walk to and from school.