
Whickham School takes bullying extremely seriously and does not tolerate bullying behaviour of any kind.Ā  We know that for all our pupils to flourish they need to learn and work in a safe, caring and supportive environment.

We have developed a culture where pupils feel safe to report any instances of bullying behaviour whether they feel they are the victim or have witnessed it happening to another.Ā  Reporting bullying is essential – please be assured as Parents and Carers that we will fully support you and your child.

If we know, we can help

Bullying includes any kind of intimidation, emotional, verbal or sexual harassment, being teased about race, religion, culture, gender, sexuality, social class, disability, academic performance or any other matter that causes distress to the victim.

Pupils and Parents are encouraged to contact their Pastoral Lead in the first instance and further support is available through our Safeguarding Mentors.

The following staff have special training in supporting young people who may be experiencing a range of difficulties or challenges and they are available each night after school.


Guidance for Parents

If you think your child is being bullied:

  • Please contact the school immediately and speak to the relevant Pastoral Leader
  • Ask your child directly if they are being bullied
  • Take bullying seriously
  • Please do not agree to keep bullying secret


Further information on processes and guidance for dealing with bullying can be found in our Anti-Bullying Policy